Lean Manufacturing Training, Help, Resources, and Implementation Services…

Getting Lean Should Be a Lean Process!

So What Do We Mean by “Getting Lean Should Be A Lean Process?”

Well, this is a subject we could go on and on about, but that wouldn’t be very “Lean” of us now would it! Here are a few bullet points that should give you a good sense of it (you can also read about our Lean Manufacturing Implementation Process by clicking here: Lean Manufacturing Training & Implementation):

Conduct an Assessment – This will cost a couple days time and some money but a true “Lean” assessment is quickly performed and value-adding. Read this article The Lean Manufacturing Assessment if you want to know more about the assessment process. This is a critical step that should not be omitted.

Take Action – Your assessment should result in a plan of action that helps you know where to start your Lean Journey. Start working on your #1 biggest constraint (See “The Goal” if you’re not sure what that is,) using the tools available to you in the Lean Manufacturing Tool kit.

Continuous Improvement… – At this point it is a matter of continually assessing where you are, where you are going, and working and adjusting your plan. During this stage you are further developing your team into Lean Champions and creating the internal structure that enables your culture of ongoing or “Continuous Improvement.”

Sure, there is much more that could be said, but we hope this brief overview gives you a good sense of what to expect going forward. Don’t let anyone sell you a “step by step package” to getting Lean, unless they have conducted a thorough assessment of your company, and can tell you the How, What, Where, When, & Why behind their proposal. Though many of the Lean Tools can be generally applied, Lean is not a one-size fits all program and must be adjusted to your specific and unique needs.
The TPS Team…

An Open Letter to Senior Managers:

No single seminar, classroom experience, or “colored belt” will provide you bottom-line Lean results.

“Lean happens at the process…with your people, trained and motivated, fully engaged in the hot pursuit of excellence, as they follow your lead and learn to share and support your Lean Vision.”

We promote your vision and goals, and certify your team through the hands-on application of Lean tools for immediate and long-term results.

Getting Lean should itself be “a Lean Process.”

Bill Hanover
CCO, TPS – ThroughPut Solutions

The Infamous “Lean Chicken Bone Story”… Enjoy!

For a free (no sales pitch) consultation please call us at 435-792-4380.

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